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On-Farm Record-Keeping Forms

One of the key components of the CSF’s Food Safe Farm Practices is maintaining an accurate and verifiable record-keeping system.

  • Animal Health Product Treatments

  • Problems and Corrective Actions

  • Animal Health Product Inventory

  • Worker Training

  • Medicated Feed Inventory

  • Worker Training for Dairy Operations

  • Incoming Feed and Bedding Inventory

  • Daily Freezer/Bulk Tank Temperatures

  • Medicated Feed Mixing and Batch Water Mixing

  • Raw Milk Transport

  • Declaration of Potential Food Safety Hazard

  • Milking Equipment Sanitation

  • Pesticide Use in Grazing Areas

Click the link below to download the associated record-keeping template:

By maintaining these records, you will have a concrete and traceable means of ensuring that you are following the Program on a daily basis. 

Supplemental Dairy On-Farm Record-Keeping Forms

Record 11

  • Animal Health Product Treatment Record for Dairy Operations

Record 12

  • Record of Worker Training for Dairy Operations

Record 13

  • Daily Freezer/Bulk Tank Temperature Record

Record 14

  • Raw Milk Transport Record

Dairy producers are asked to use Records 11 and 12 instead of Records 1 and 10. In addition to the records 2-9, you will need to maintain these records to comply with the CSF FSFP requirements for dairy operations. 


You are not required to use these record forms if you already have a system for recording the same information. However, as the validator will be familiar with these forms, using them may decrease the length of your on-farm validation.

Phone: 613-652-1824 or 1-888-684-7739

Fax: 613-652-1599


Canadian Sheep Federation

PO Box 10 Williamsburg, ON K0C 2H0


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